January 25, 2010

  • Valentine Dare, week 3

    Going through old pictures, recalling forgotten moments, and remembering when we first fell in love.  I had almost forgotten this slide show I put together last year for Valentine's Day ('09). 

    Click to play My Valentine

    This is the picture I chose for our bedside table,

    Family Spring 09 148

    I really like him. 

    How's it going girls?  What pic did you choose?  Share a link so we can see. 

    Is it really week 3 already?

    1.  Take time this week to "date".  Whether you go out on a bonafide real date or simply put your kids to bed and enjoy some time together in your living room.  Maybe you can arrange a special dinner, just for the two of you.  Focus this time on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you rarely talk about.  Determine to make it an enjoyable evening for you and your mate.  Ask questions.  Listen. 

    2.  Be intentional this week about making a time to pray and read your Bible.  Try reading a chapter out of Proverbs each day (There are 31.  A full month's supply.)  As you do, immerse yourself in the love and promises God has for you.  Every day you place expectations on your spouse.  Sometimes they meet them.  Sometimes they don't.  But never will they be able to totally satisfy all the demands you ask of them - your spouse is human.  God, however, is not.  And those who approach Him in utter dependence each day for the real needs in their life are the ones who find out just how dependable He is.  God is your everyday supply.  Of everything you need.

    3.  Find a marriage mentor - someone who is a strong Christian and who will be honest and loving with you.  Gaining wise counsel is like having a detailed road map and a personal guide while traveling on a challenging journey.  It can be the difference between continual success or the destruction of your marriage.  It is vital that you invite strong couples to share the wisdom they have gained through their own successes and failures.  Look for a person who has the kind of marriage you want. 

    Every aspect of your life that you submit to God's principles will grow stronger and more long-lasting over time.  I dare you to give it all over to him! 

    Valentine Dare, Introduction

    Valentine Dare, week 1

    Valentine Dare, week 2

    Valentine Dare, Week 4

    Valentine Dare, Concluded