February 8, 2010

  • Valentine Dare, Concluded

    1.  Loving couples who are enjoying the full purpose of marriage - are bent on taking good care of the other flawed human they get to share life with.  That's because true love looks for ways to be selfless when our tendency is to be selfish.  We live in a world that is enamored with "self."  The culture around us teaches us to focus on our appearance, feelings, and personal desires.  You can't act out of real love and selfishness at the same time.  When you prioritize the wellbeing of your mate, there is a resulting fulfillment that cannot be duplicated by selfish actions.  This is a benefit that God created and reserves for those who genuinely demonstrate love.  The truth is, when you relinquish your desires for the sake of your mate, you get a chance to lose yourself to the greater purpose of marriage. 

    "Do nothing from selfish or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves" (Philippians 2:3). 

    Whatever you put your time, energy, and money into will become more important to you.  It's hard to care for something you are not investing in.  Buy your husband something that says, "I was thinking of you today."

    2.  More often than you'd like, it will seem difficult to find the inspiration to demonstrate love.  But when God is your reason for loving, your ability to love is guaranteed.  That's because love comes from him.  The love that's demanded from you in marriage is not dependent on your mate's sweetness or suitability.  The love between a husband and wife has one chief objective:  honoring the Lord with devotion and sincerity.  The fact that it blesses our beloved in the process is simply a wonderful, additional benefit. 

    Before you see your spouse again today, pray for them by name and for their needs.  Whether it comes easy for you or not, say "I love you."  Thank God for the privilege of loving this one special person - unconditionally, the way he loves both of you. 

    3.  Write out your wedding vows and place them in your home.  Remind yourself of the covenant you made and ask God to give you the strength to keep it.  Every marriage is called to be an earthly picture of God's heavenly covenant with his church.  It is to reveal to the world the glory and beauty of God's unconditional love for us.  Be an instrument of God's love to your husband. 

    Your life together is before you.  Take hold of it and never let it go.

    Valentine Dare, Introduction

    Valentine Dare, week 1

    Valentine Dare, week 2

    Valentine Dare, week 3

    Valentine Dare, week 4