December 5, 2012

  • Create Some Space

    I started waking up with the words in my heart "create some space".  One of those "God whispers".  I don't know why.  I just know I need to. 

    "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." Hans. H.

    Stuff was weighing me down.  It sneaks up on us a little here, a little there.  Every once in a while, we have to hit the reset button and lighten the load.  Simplifying is good for us.  Good for our home, our budget, our time management...

    Creating some space by simplifying and reducing keeps my house running smoothly.  I'm more organized.  Less stuff = less maintenance. 

    So, I had a huge giveaway pile, a huge throwaway pile, and a small putaway pile.  A couple more deliveries (giveaway pile) and I'm done!  Woohoo for more space! 

    Some tips for creating more space:

    1.  If we haven't used it in a year, it's time to go!

    2.  If it isn't useful and/or beautiful, it's time to go!

    3.  Surround ourselves with the things we love.


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