July 15, 2010

  • Stopped In My Tracks

    This thing called the internet is a powerful tool.  Just today I was going about my business, making muffins, doing laundry, washing dishes, schooling the kids when I paused to read CJane.  Expecting her usual humor and quirky perspectives, I was blown away in a very different way.  As I read the thoughts of a man who would within days lose his beloved wife, I stopped in my tracks.  The mother of six, diagnosed with cancer, given only a few weeks to live, living out her last days saying all she wanted to say, loving for all she had left, leaving the legacy she desired to leave... I'm humbled.  I'm sad.  I feel guilty.  I desire to do better.  It's powerful to say the least. 

    I think if you read what he has to say about his marriage, you'll have a  renewed resolve.  It will be powerful for you too.  (Click the underlined link.)

    Read more about their story here