January 20, 2011

  • Even a Baby

    Fasting Prayers Answered


    When our daughter was just over a year old, we moved to a new state.  We had tons of trouble getting our electricity turned on. We needed the building inspector to approve our electrical wiring. We had already been through a six week long move and this was the final step to being able to live in our home. I met the inspector at the home site and he informed me that we had not met state guidelines because of a tiny mismeasurement. My heart sank.

    I held myself together just long enough for him to leave.  Then, I sat down in our soon to be laundry room and cried. That small mistake required more time, more wiring, more hotel, more permits, more money...

    My little daughter just over a year old came to me, placed her hand on my face, closed her eyes, and started audibly praying for me. I was stunned. For her to do that at such a young age overwhelmed me.  I sat there listening to her and hugging her tight. 

    With a new resolve, I dried my tears. I started unpacking and cleaning. I believed in my heart that God was going to work it out and that we were going to be in our home. My husband often says, "If you pray for new shoes, make room in your closet." I unpacked, cleaned, prayed, and fasted.

    The next morning I received a call from the inspector. He said that the mismeasurement was not truly a safety hazard, he had found a loophole around it, and the power company was on their way to turn on our electricity! I called the chief and my mom with the news. I smiled to myself when they both confessed that they too had felt lead to fast and pray.  God speedily answered our prayers! 

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