January 15, 2013

  • The Work I Love

    I sit on my bed surrounded by stacks of books and four kiddos waiting on a turn with mom.  (Even with independent work, sometimes everyone needs mom all at the same time.)  I work with two at a time.  The kids "in waiting" take turns playing with the toddler or doing a couple chores.  I've been homeschooling for over 10 years!  It's just a part of who our family is now.  I can honestly say that I NEVER contemplate life as anything but a homeschool family.  I deeply believe in it and love it.  It fits our family.

    That doesn't mean I don't hyperventilate once in while with thoughts of, "maybe I'm doing this all wrong" or "what if they aren't normal".  (Who the heck is normal, anyway?)  Those moments of panic came a little more frequently this past Fall when our oldest started highschool.  It's been a whole new ballgame for us to figure out.  Do we CLEP, dual enroll, and what to do about driver's education?   

    It hit me sometime in 2012 (after Josiah's birth), that I'll be doing this for at least eighteen more years.  28 years!  Too bad I won't have tenure or a retirement.  When we set out on this journey ten years ago, we had no idea I was making a career of it.  I'm kinda proud to realize how much geometry I still understand.  Who knew?  Or maybe it is just answered prayer * ?  Either way, this homeschooling momma is happy to be spending my days doing the work I love. 

    * "The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.” Unknown

    P.S.  Dear Chief, thank you for making our homeschool a success.  I can't imagine doing this without your support, help, and deep belief that homeschooling is right for our family.  heart

Comments (3)

  • homeschooling was THE best thing i did for my children. they had all been in school already when i pulled them out, but i did it for about 15 years. and you are right, what the heck is normal? lol  i taught them right through high school.  they didn't have an interest in college, but i prepared them so they could (algebra, geometry, etc.) but i stressed the working hard and learning to do for yourself. we taught them to drive ourselves, btw. those years were the best years, it made them close, they learned to work hard for what they wanted. they learned common sense, and they learned TRUE history.  (from sea to shining sea was part of our curriculum too)  i'm looking forward to being a HUGE part of the homeschooling of our grandchildren too.  --karen

  • We homeschooled for 19 years, I think. We started when our oldest was in fourth grade. Our children remain close. All but one have/ are pursuing a college degree. All are dependable workers. We started a home based baking business involving farmers markets, and they all learned about the PR advantages from that. I am not sorry for all the hours we spent together!

  • @song_of_praise - @lifeontheWink - Thank you so much for the encouraging words!  I love being at peace with the decisions in my life.  Doesn't mean that there aren't trying times or that some days aren't difficult but it does mean that it is worth it.  The kids are at peace and happy with our lifestyle too.  Homeschooling absolutely brings siblings close to each other!

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